Saturday, March 21, 2009

THE NATURE OF DESTINY - A wonderful CD by Shri Shri Nimishananda Guruji

'The Nature Of Destiny' - Parama Pujya Shri Shri Nimishananda Guruji explains all about destiny in the following way:

  • What is the root cause of this Destiny?
    o Desires
    o Actions we perform (physical and mental actions)

  • If we can correct ourselves and change our aspects, we can definitely change our destiny.

  • How have we created the destiny and how can we overcome this destiny? Destiny is the sum total of all desires in life and it is in total control of our life. We should empower ourselves with awareness and consciousness of the power of the soul within us. Destiny cannot be changed unless and until we stop desiring in the most ‘lack of purpose’ manner.

  • Desire propels us to an action. Every action has a reaction. Each and every reaction will have a fruit and it is called as karmic Fruit and this karmic fruit will shape Destiny.

  • We should stick to the path of soul, understand the feeling of our spiritual heart, understand feeling of another human being and our conduct should be noble always. This will totally change the fate and destiny.

  • We as humans have power to change fate and destiny by establishing ourselves in our heart. The moment we start discriminating, dispassionating towards negative things in life our fate and destiny process changes.

Price : Rs. 100/-
For More Information, Please Contact -
Shri Nimishananda Ashram,
Ph: +91 93412 59083
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